Call or Text to schedule an Appointment! 813-792-8211
10131 Wilsky Blvd, Tampa, FL 33625

We Provide Dental Care For The Whole Family

happy smiling family

Every member of your family needs to undergo regular care to enjoy optimal oral health and avoid issues that threaten smiles, such as tooth decay or even gum disease. We provide care for the whole family, from checkups and cleanings to restorative treatment. Your Tampa, FL, dental office talks about our approach to family dental care.

Dental Checkups and Cleanings

Oral health concerns like tooth decay and gum disease don’t form overnight. Instead, they take several months to occur. Which means that scheduling a checkup and cleaning visit every six months for you and your family allows us to diagnose these concerns early and address them before you develop issues that could threaten smile stability. The checkup involves a detailed examination with digital technology, so we can identify concerns like tooth decay, gingivitis, and other issues. In the same visit, we could use dental cleanings to remove all plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth. The cleaning helps lower the risks of bad breath and teeth stains for all ages, and helps fight gingivitis and gum disease for our adult patients. For kids, these visits can also help them better understand their smiles, and can reduce the risk of dental anxiety.

Root Canal Therapy

What if you have a tooth with decay that becomes too severe for a filling? In these situations, treatment is crucial because an untreated infection could then risk of worsening pain and even tooth loss. But with root canal therapy, we have a comfortable and effective means of removing infected tissues and replacing them with a special filling material. We then cap the tooth with a custom crown, one that can blend with your smile. You and your family avoid discomfort, and can prevent the loss of a tooth.

Tooth Extraction

In some situations, a tooth may be too decayed and infected to be treated with a filling or root canal. Likewise, there could be severe damage or disease that impacts stability. To protect the rest of your smile, we could gently extract these teeth. Our team could also recommend extraction to prevent the arrival of the wisdom teeth, a complication that could cause misalignment, impaction, and other serious consequences.

Our team wants to help every member of your family, from the youngest to the oldest, maintain optimal oral health. If you have any questions about our approach to family dentistry, or if you would like to schedule a checkup and cleaning visit to get started, then contact our team today.

Our Tampa, FL Dental Office Provides Family Dentistry

Routine care helps smiles of all ages remain healthy and whole. To learn how you can keep your family’s smiles strong and bright, call our Tampa, FL dental office at 813-792-8211.