Cosmetic dental services focus on matters that concern your appearance. Our team works with patients to see that they have the results they want to show off with services that prioritize their experience in the dentist’s chair. Whether you have one specific change you wish to make or hope to transform your smile with multiple improvements, we can ensure you walk away from care with wondrous results!
Invisalign appliances have helped many people with concerns about malocclusion. An alternative to metal braces, Invisalign provides a set of clear aligners that gradually move teeth in order to correct gaps, overlaps, and other issues that can impact your appearance and oral health. We work carefully with patients to evaluate their teeth and oral structures so that we can provide appliances that offer the right adjustments and support while making orthodontic work discreet!
We use porcelain veneers to take on a range of esthetic issues. These thin, durable shells are made with a material that can both imitate healthy enamel and hold up against years of wear and tear. Yours will be custom-made to ensure proper fit when bonded in place to provide the right cosmetic improvements. With this one procedure, your smile is made brighter and more symmetrical, and flaws concerning dental damage and spacing can be covered. Veneers can also provide a conservative solution for problems with teeth that are naturally misshapen or the wrong size.
Teeth Whitening
Dental discoloration worsens gradually as particles from foods and beverages gather on our enamel. Our office provides Zoom! whitening agents, which penetrate enamel in order to remove stains that have built up over time. A single hour-long appointment is capable of making a smile many shades brighter. We also provide the option of take-home customized kits that contain advanced bleaching gels and personalized trays to perform daily applications. Within weeks of those applications, you can see remarkable improvements!