Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

tampa cosmetic dentistry

Do you want to make major changes to your smile in 2024? Then you should consider scheduling an appointment for a cosmetic consultation. Our team of helpful dentists in Tampa, FL, can help you choose the right cosmetic dental treatments to improve the overall beauty of your smile, sometimes in a single appointment!

Teeth Whitening

Do you have stained teeth? Store bought systems can offer minor results, but these are short-lived and you run the risk of developing tooth sensitivity. But with professional teeth whitening, we can brighten smiles by several shades, often in one visit. We have two options available: in-office and at-home. With in-office teeth whitening, we use a special bleaching gel and a light to activate the gel and break up stains, brightening your smile by multiple shades in as little as one hour in some cases. For more severe discoloration, we have an at-home whitening option that uses a set of custom trays and a bleaching gel to break up and remove stains in one to two weeks, so your smile is up to eight shades brighter. Then leftover gel and trays are then yours to keep for any necessary touch-ups in the months to come.

Porcelain Veneers

For many people, porcelain veneers offer a smile makeover in just two visits. During your first visit, our team will numb the teeth being treated and gently remove a thin layer of enamel to make room for the new restorations. We gather detailed images and measurements, which we use in a lab setting to design and fabricate your veneers from a durable and lifelike porcelain material, which we shade to blend with your smile. When you return for a second visit, we will connect the veneers with a powerful bonding agent. Once in place, these can mask teeth stains, reshape malformed or damaged teeth, lengthen worn down teeth, and even correct the appearance of minor misalignment. A new smile in just two visits!

Invisalign® Aligners

If you have uneven teeth, we have a cosmetic alternative to metal braces. With the Invisalign® aligners, we can use a series of clear and custom aligners to gently shift the teeth, with a set being worn for two weeks, and 20 to 22 hours a day. In as little as one year, we can correct your uneven smile. The aligners are also easy to wear and clean, travel with you, and can be removed before you eat or prior to brushing and flossing, so your day-to-day experience is much simpler than if you were wearing braces.

Schedule Your Cosmetic Consultation At Westchase in Tampa, FL!

Our team wants to correct your esthetic imperfections so you can smile with confidence. To schedule a visit for cosmetic dentistry, give us a call at our Tampa, FL office today at (813)792-8211!

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