Have You Scheduled Your Holiday Checkup?

your holiday checkup tampa florida

If you are getting yourself ready to see your friends and family for Christmas, make sure that you look and feel as best as you possibly can. Take some time to schedule your holiday checkup with your dentist, and go into the new year with a renewed dedication to your oral health. You need these appointments every six months (at least), so this could be your opportunity to find your way back to a positive schedule of care.

With our team of helpful dentists in Tampa, FL, you can keep an eye on the health of your smile this holiday season. Talk to our team about making an appointment for a cleaning and examination, and while you are here, be sure to ask your dentist all of your questions about your oral health. This is your time to learn about positive techniques in brushing and flossing, so don’t let it go to waste. Give us a call today to schedule your next semiannual dental checkup!

The Winter Break Is A Perfect Time For Your Oral Health

The holidays are a time to sit back and enjoy what you have. But it is also a time when you might have a break from work or school. This means that it is an opportunity to fit in some appointments that you have been putting off. If you have been missing your routine dental exams because you just can’t find the time, the winter break can be your chance.

You need a semiannual dental checkup every six months, and the timing of a winter visit can be helpful, as well. This way, you know that every year, you need to see the dentist around Christmastime. Keeping to a schedule is incredibly important for your preventive care, and this can be your reminder.

You Deserve A Merry And Bright Smile

Your semiannual dental checkups serve your smile in a number of ways, starting with detailed imagery and a visual examination. Waiting for these appointments means that you can experience the buildup of plaque and tartar, which leads to tooth decay and periodontal disease. Do not wait to see your dentist, as plaque and tartar buildup can become a serious danger to your smile.

While you are in the office for your examination, take this time to talk about all of your dental needs. If you have noticed that your smile is less bright than it once was, ask about your options in cosmetic teeth whitening!

Schedule Your Holiday Checkup At Westchase in Tampa, FL!

Your smile needs consistent care, and the holidays are a great time to renew your dedication to your oral health. To schedule your holiday checkup, give us a call at our Tampa, FL office today at (813)792-8211!

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